Happy New Year Everyone. I hope all your 2013 dreams come true.
Two blog posts in one week, this is like a sign of the apocalypse. The purpose of today's post is to state my resolutions for the year so I can look back at the end of the year and see how they have progressed. I don't usually go in for the resolutions thing. They are mostly associated with being a farce. People set their expectations so high that they have usually given up by mid-January. My intention is to set a few smaller but achievable goals which can be tracked and evaluated at the end of the year.
The first achievement is the never ending target of losing weight. Over the last exam diet I have completely ballooned so it seems a nice time to take a baseline reading for a target to be set.
The goal is 2st off by the end of the year to improve my general wellbeing and fitness. If all goes to plan it should see me go from 18st6lb to 16st4lb.
Now, I am one of the first people that bemoan a resolution like this because if you want to do it you could do it at any point of the year. This time, I am going against my own opinion and using the full calendar year as the period in question.
Next on the list, which should work in unison with the above is to get another 5 Munros chalked off the list.
At the moment, I am sitting on 11 so I think 5 is a fair target to achieve especially when I need to rely on others going or the Scottish public transport network. Again, this is an ideal challenge to be measured over a calendar year and hopefully my Hill List app will show more than 11 come this time next year.
Next on the list is the one that I think is going to frustrate me the most.
That's right, I want to hit a maximum on the dartboard. Hopefully, if I keep chipping away at it, it will come.
I'm hoping that in the course of trying to achieve all of the above, I can also get out a bit more and start taking more [and better] photos.
Enjoy 2013 everybody.