Saturday, 16 July 2011

The World Of Cinema

I know what my favourite movie is but beyond that, I haven't really considered putting any others in any structure of rank. So I thought to myself, over the summer, I'm going to try and come up with a definitive list of my favourite movies.

I'm going to do it in three stages:
  1. Films not in the English Language
  2. Animated Films
  3. The Definitive Top Ten
So, it begins. Here are my 5 favourite movies not in the English Language.

5) ็„ก้–“้“ (Infernal Affairs) - Hong Kong - 2002

4) El Laberinto del Fauno - Mexico - 2006

3) Der Untergang - Germany - 2004

2) La vita รจ bella - Italy - 1997

1) Nuovo cinema Paradiso - Italy - 1988

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